Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I always get the impression that when men start to feel emotional attachment they pull away. If they feel smothered or like women are getting emotionally attached, they pull away. If we play their game and are distant, hard to get we keep them. They chase us like dogs in heat and are always begging for more. The second we beg for more they are repelled. It is so enraging. This is when I get angry that I am a woman. I am woman with sexual needs and it is fucking taboo to have these needs. It is not playing their god damn game the way they designed it. I did not purchase these cheat codes, I was given these as a gift and when properly used they are AMAZING.

The game is easy, I can play their stupid fucking game. However, if I play at the rate they do, I will need five guys in the rotation MINIUMUM. Contrary to belief, women are more sexual because we either enjoy it so much and are able to have sex longer and more frequent or we seek sex as validation. Unfortunately women normally seek validation more than men, so either way you look at it. Women are secretly (maybe, not so secretly?) giant horn dogs. The really smart ones keep their mouths shut. Guys don't want to know we've had sex with other people, they want to be in denial of this fact. The fact that his dick slides so easily in your ass is not because you are a pro, no it's because you have abnormally large dumps. Right...

Yet women are the truly sad ones, we intentionally put ourselves through this mess. We either wait to have sex with a man because once you hand out the pop-sicles for free nobody will buy the ice-cream truck. Or we are so worried that if we hold out too long he will stray and find another woman to fit the bill. Either way we are prudes or whores. Men on the other hand are seen as gods. If they are good at going down on women and have longevity in the bedroom they are seen as Gods. Women good at blow jobs are seen as whores for practicing too much and having the ability to get over their gag reflex. Their inability to orgasm right away is not because you suck in the bedroom, oh no, it's because they have a really small hood and are "too hard to get off." While a man that prolongs his orgasm is seen as a master. FUCK it. We live in a society where we are all not having our needs met because we are too focused on what other people think and how we think we are supposed to "think" and "perceive."

My wishlist - a man who is....

  1. Knows who he is and what he stands for
  2. Emotionally intelligent enough to seek to truly understand
  3. Is patient enough to listen but has the balls to call me out
  4. Will not accept anything but my best or his best
  5. Is willing to receive feedback openly and be open to grow; sees value in it
  6. Trusts his instincts and is confident enough to allow me to trust mine
  7. Is open minded to spirituality and the human spirit
  8. Has a beautiful and compassionate soul
  9. Understands me in a way that is true, settling and like no other; he is my best friend and confidant
  10. His beauty does not stop at his soul, it extends to his rugged exterior
  11. Understands that life about the journey, not the destination; he learns from his life experiences and appreciates what I learn from mine

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Facebook is taking over one obsessed internet nerd at a time

Who decided that in 2010 Facebook was the best way to spread the word about everything? Who dictated that this was the more efficient best way to go? Instead of sending an email invite, calling, texting, sending a snail mail invite people are using Facebook...seriously?

Next thing you know nobody will bother to call, text, email or write. Instead we will be required to read everybodys' "Tweets" in order to know what is going on in their lives. It was bad enough when people relied on "Blogs" as the only way to converse. However that was for only the truly dedicated nerdy computer go-ers. Now adays Facebook is the fad that seems to be sticking, therefore practically everybody uses it. Even your mother, father and your great aunt Sally Facebook their latest vacations and family photo ops. Don't get me wrong, Facebook is an excellent way to stalk out people from high school. I mean obviously you do not truly care about these people since it has been ten years since you spoke, but why not find out how many kids they have and how spouse's deep they are? Obviously that information is pertinent to our well being.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Wow, so where to begin. I totally went crazy with booking dates this week.

I had a date Wed. night which went well with Roger. Very fun quirky guy. Thu. was Joaquin and he is very cool. Friday was with New Randy which was a second date. That was fun but I had to call it in early due to exhaustion from work & staying-up late. Sat. evening was Wyatt and that too was fun. I have a second date planned already with Roger next Wed. for movie and a bar. Sat. night at Rula Bula I was in the bathroom and ran into my co-worker Brianna. Ha, small town. I told her I was on my date so she ever so discreetly walked by to check him out. It got really loud inside so we walked around outside for awhile then Wyatt left because he had prior engagements. I then texted Brianna and met up with her back at Rula Bula. Now I had to pay a two dollar cover since I had left, lol. Whatevs as Bri puts it.

At Rula Bula Bri announced she had seen other people we work with for birthday. So I walked around to locate them and asked if we could join and they said cool. So we met up with them outside. It started to rain more so we went inside. Whilst inside a woman started a conversation with me and introduced me to the two men she was with. While in their company I realized one of them was totally cute with a great smile. We started talking and we made each other laugh a lot. He joked that he peddled on the street, I joked that it was I spend my Sunday evenings doing because that's where the $ is. I explained I fashioned a shirt stuffed under my clothes to appear pregnant to get additional money. He mentioned that he would assist me on these endeavours by dressing like a dirty bum ahead of me to encourage the passerbys to give me more money because when you compare the two I was in more need still. Also in case things got hairy he would be my back-up support. Meanwhile the woman who's name was Leyla kept interjecting how beautiful and cool I was. She kept petting my head explaining she LOVED my hair-cut. I received the most hugs I have ever received in my life that evening. It was CrAzY. I continued my conversation with Jesse and checked in with Bri periodically. Bri suggested I be careful because I may fall into a foursome with the two guys and the cougar. Ha, I explained this rundown to Jesse and his friend Cory. They laughed emphatically that they could see where we may get that impression however that is far from the truth. They explained to me how they met and it was a good time. Then Bri and the crew decided to migrate to another bar. Jesse and I had already explained we were both single, he's a Leo and I am a Sagg, so I gave a rundown of what that meant. Lol. He inquired. I advised him that he should ask for my number, he did. Now I am that girl waiting a phone call. Ha, I hate that! Oh well. It was fun.