Saturday, May 08, 2004

Saturday. Yeah!

I still felt kind of shitty still and was really tired. I went to work at 4pm like normal though. The smell of the grease made my stomach churn but I did not feel like I had to go to the restroom, just knotted. Arlen the shitty expo came in at 5 because we were expected to be really busy, which of course we weren't. But it was okay to me tonight since I did not feel up to par to handle it on my own! I got to leave at 9pm to leave Arlen to close on his own. He collected the tips and left my half with a manager. $51 which is not $100 but I would not have gone to work if I had been by myself, so that was 50 dollars more than I would have had.

Friday, May 07, 2004

Graduation at 10 Am oustide with lots of people, not exactly my cup of tea. Surprisingly in the HUGE crowd I was able to find his family already sitting down and I sat behind them. Only his mom noticed me coming behind and was looking for a way to make me a seat but I shrugged and said it was okay to sit back there. The ceremony seemed long but it only lasted 2 hrs, the sun beating down doesn't help much. This old dude gave an awfully boring speech. The valedictorian (I have nO IDEA how to spell that!...I just checked and OMG I spelled it correctly! Yay) gave a pretty funny speech so he gets points from me! I got some sun on my shoulders which later turned from pink to a little brown. Cool! I am fucking white so I need all the sun I can get. I had my sweater on during most of the ceremony because it was windy enough.

After second Lieutenant Eric Allen Krogue got his 'diploma' which didn't have the diploma yet because he still has school. He was just walking because he will be finished in September and there won't be a ceremony then! We for Chinese food at our newly discovered chinese place something Garden over by the Safeway. Then we went for coffee at the Mud Hole. Neither of us had been there before but it was cool and I would totally go back! It has a much atmosphere than places like Starbucks. Starbucks is a buy your coffee and leave kind of place, coffee 'houses' are a much more hang-out sort of place. Some morons just haven't discovered that good old Starbucks isn't a great hang-out.
Eric woke-up and had to go to a practic ceremony and then he came back to get me for a luncheon in the old gym. We ate a little bit of food and left. On to the commincement....

Eric's commencement was at 3pm at the DLC which they have recently renovated and it looks much nicer now. There were some seats in the last couple of rows on the end marked 'Krogue' so I sat on the aisle and waited for people to show up! Eric's family and my family were all LATE! Eric's mother Karil, dad Kent, Brother Jeff, and Grandpa all came in after it had started but before the actual commencements had begun I believe. My brother-in-law David and my roomate, friend, sister Kieta got lost on their drive because they couldn't follow my simple directions. So they came in during the commencements but luckily, before Eric's! That would sucked ass for them to have come ALL the way up there and to have missed it all. The actually ceremony part was kind of weird but the pictures at the end of all the commencies throughout their lives was cute. Everybody 'awd' at Eric's picture of him sleeping on the staircase. Even Kieta says "Aw, WiTtLe Eric." It is quite amusing.

Then we hung-out in the lower hanger for a little bit and it was kind of weird with all of his family and some of mine. Kieta was bored so I was trying to keep her entertained so we walked around a little bit and went to the restroom for awhile, yes typical girls. But where else can you and escape all of the boys you so desperately need to discuss? Nowhere! Exactly! We went back to Eric's dorm where we waited for him to shower and change, also kill a little time because our dinner 'reservation' at the Outback Steakhouse was not until 7:30. It was early yet. We went a little early and waited outside and us girls were FREEZING, damn those skirts! It wasn't cold but the breeze was freakin' chilly! So that made it quite uncomfortable. We waited until about 8pm and finally we got in...they had told us when we arrived that the wait was about 30-40 minutes long. Since they went over their maximum time given David was able to get free appetizers for us. The group got three, a Wild West Onion (blooming onion), weird mushroom thingys (ew!) and shrimp thingys. They had almost no non-meat items and the waiter mentioned a pasta with alfredo that was no longer on the menu that I could have. I ordered that and it was pretty good. Everything I think went pretty well all and all and I had fun with everybody.

Eric's family was great, even his mom seems to warming up a little. It always seems to me like she dislikes me quite a bit but this time I didn't feel that so much. Maybe she was just in a really good mood, who knows. But I liked her alot more this time around. Which is good because I do not like not getting along with people, especially family of the guy I am dating. Jeff was really quite, but I knew ahead of time he would be shy.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Thursday night....

I felt totally fine up until I late tonight. My stomach felt sooooooo crampy! I went to bed and woke-up at around 7Am...and ran to the bathroom. God damn the flu! ERGH! I called in sick for work at noon and slept all day until like 4:30PM. Then I watched a couple movies because my back hurt SO bad I could not lay on it anymore and try to sleep I just could not sleep anymore. So I needed something to help me ignore it. To concentrate on ya know?