Eric's B-day was the 22nd Thu. I am writing this after the fact...but I believe he came down Friday night. I am poor so I made him a lame little card. I say lame because it was not half as cool as I wanted it to look, but I'll get there. Practice makes perfect. So I had to do something a little more creative...yup. Did not exactly work out like I planned because well...Eric was grinning a little too much and I was not drunk enough to be that um...ya. Stuff. It was fun none-the-less and now I have some more black barely there pieces of clothing in my underwear drawer! I tried to get a super spiffy bra to match the whole garter thing but I could not. It was tragic! So I had to wear one that I already owned. It was so sad. Next time maybe it will actually go as planned. Jeez!