Thursday, May 13, 2004

Work Wed. morning was fun as usual. It was really slow and I had section 4 with table 8 which I dislike. I got sat an 8 top on table 8. First just a few people had shown up so I got them drinks and when I came back a couple more had appeared, I went and got them drinks. I came back and took their order but they were still expecting one more woman anytime. I punched in their meals and then finally the other woman showed up and after all of that the seating was messed up because they changed seats. When you punch in the food order it is supposed to be in order of seating and so I had to try and fix it when it came out because when you take them their food you are supposed to put it in infront of them without asking them who has what. When the food came out I was dressing and fixing the order of the plates to run it out, which means I was in the back for a little while instead of by my tables.

I ran out the food and came back in the kitchen to get table 8 something when Grady caught me and says "Have you been to table 18?! They have been for awhile and they asked if they had a server!" "I'm sorry Grady I was taking care of table 8! I just got back here." FUCK OFF. I had to take care of that shit, hot food hot remember fuck face. I hate his jerk-off ass.

Then later I these too bitchy ladies (mom and daughter) one of them ordered a salad and I just forgot to bring it out. I was not even busy, I had walked by the table a bunch and they never reminded me or anything. I brought out there food and the mom says "You forgot MY salad." "Omg I am so sorry." "Well I don't want it anymore." She had apparently gone up the podium and told Grady, "We haven't seen our server for awhile and she forgot my salad and I need tobasco sauce." I am not sure when she did it, but I was by the table quite frequently and they had never said anything about a salad or tobasco to me. Fuck off lady. Do you want me to just hover around your table so I can get you something every five seconds when you need something.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I made a web-page for Eric recently as a little gift. I did not get nearly anything done on it though. I just wanted to show it to him so he could work on it as I knew I was not going to get anywhere near I wanted to any time soon. He seems to be enjoying it though which is good! I am totally over the flu now which is awesome because I fucking hate being sick. It is the devil. Fucking children and their germs!

Phil a friend from work is moving to Boston soon so he selling all of his stuff. He has a pleather sofa, sexy black that he paid $300 for a little less than a year ago and he is selling it for $100. He also has two paintings that I want, they match quite well. One is a leopard and the other is a tiger, but it's just their eyes. They are so gorgeous! I can not even begin to express how much I love big cats. I LOVE animals especially wild cats. Omg adore them.

I am a spendaholic! Jesus. I bought some little things off of the PETA website, just buttons, stickers and shit. Like $12 worth. I bought some rubber stamps off of Ebay. I bought a set of 4 drinking glasses with a red chinese dragon on each. I LOVE dragons. Hehe. I found this super cool blue (my favorite color, black is my favorite but it isn't actually a color, so I just say blue) dragon vibrator. Lol. I don't really want one but after seeing that one, dude it's got my name all over it! DUDE seriously. A DRAGON?!?! And it's BLUE!?!? Woah, tell me it's not fate? The only thing is it's a little exspensivo, $120! Yeesh. I need money. Because I spend it like crazy!

Kieta, Candance and I went to see "Mean Girls" today. It was actually really funny. I came up with a better ending for the movie though, if you have not seen it, just don't read this....

I think in the end instead of the guy she was into coming onto the dance floor at the Spring Fling and dancing with her etc. He should not of talked to her in the scene at ALL. Kept some suspense going and in a scene or two, have him ask her for help in math. In the movie she kept asking him for help with math to have an exscuse to talk to him, even though she was really good at math! So it would of been really cute, if in class he had been "Hey,...are you getting this? I need some help here." With a super cute award winning smile. That would of rocked! I should write this shit not there morons!

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Sunday. Mother's Day.

God awful. Terrible. Stressful, frustrating, you name it! Arlen did not do anything for me the night before, I should have came in early but since I had not slept well I couldn't get out of bed to come in any earlier! After waking up every hour I just was exhausted! SLEEP! Need more sleep!

I had to expo tons of plates, and do a shit load of side shit because I kept running out of stuff. Managers, servers were not helpful. Mike the runner did help me some at least. He made some blue cheese drips cups. These things I needed because I was out and I had no time to make them at that moment so he made some. Yay. Points for him. I was a terrbile bitch all day. I was pissed at Arlen for fucking me over, servers for leaving shit on the counters instead of putting it away, managers for not assisting me, and myself for working at that shithole! Lol.