Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Davy's Hearing. Also David's B-day! Good times! Davy's next hearing is 7/22...Eric's B-day! Isn't that fucking scary!?! The last hearing was Elanna's b-day (the new addition to the practically mormon Field home!) she was born that day very same day. Freaky shit.

After all of that I did not get to be in the courtroom because the newest addition to the Field family was starting to fuss so I had to sit outside of that room holding her with everybody looking at me like "OMG that girl is way too young to have a baby!" What a blast. But now over a week later, Davy has been incarcerated. He'll be in baby jail for five years unless he gets out on 2 and a half with good behavior. I am just glad the shit head is in there. God damn my family is fucked up. Good times. L8

Monday, July 12, 2004

Eric helped me take my car into the shop today. A new place I have not been to before but Anna said they were cool. Autobionics and not too far BFE where I live! They had to replace the ignition switch, so that's why my damn car was not starting! Bastard! It was almost $300. That fucking car will be the end of me!