Saturday, September 17, 2005

Eric called me and I said well....what is your decision. To my disbelief he said 'I want you to move out here.' I was shocked and was not sure I heard him correctly so I made him repeat it. Yup, sure enough he had consumed quite alot of crack that day and he said he wanted me to move there. Obviously I am kidding about the freaking crack. Unless....j/k.

So anyways....there were of course conditions. None were too severe. He even did not mind that I was moving my cat Kai there. Because everybody knows I am not leaving my pussy behind. teehee. Then here came the weirdest part....

"If we're going to do this I want to do right away. Can you be here by the end of the month?" Dude that's like two weeks! Not only did the freak ask me to move there but he wanted me to pack and move across the country (driving none the less) from AZ to FL. So of course I said that would be impossible. I was honestly taken by complete surprise for so many different reasons. First off he wanted to move there. That was alot on its' own, second NOW. I was expecting 6months - a yr! But I figured he was certainly going to say what he'd said before that it was not a good idea.

He sounded kind of hurt at my lack of enthusaism. I tried to explain that it was just shock and I was completely unprepared. Well then came the lists. He started asking me what I needed to do so I could move there ASAP. The plan was to be there before Thanksgiving (my birthday also) and be there early Nov.

He made a list and emailed it to me of things I needed to do. Which he perfected a little later with all sorts of details. Like things to check on my car for the drive. All sorts of little things. He sounded so excited and urgent. Once he had his heart set on it he could not wait. Especially since he had not started actually flying in his flight program yet....

Friday, September 16, 2005

So I consumed a little alochol and drunk dialed Eric. I was not drunk but I had a very good buzz, just enough to give me so balls. I came out and said basically 'wtf is going on' it was another one of those am I ever moving out to FL or not conversations. And the other conversations like these have never turned out well so you can imagine how much I was looking forward to do this all once again.

He said he was not sure if he wanted me to move out there or not. I said after dating for freaking 3.5 yrs that his highness should know. He said he was not sure bla bla bla. There was more dialouge but who cares about the small stuff. So he said Okay I will tell you tommorow. Fine, fine, fine. I can wait that long.