I'm sorry but this morning was hell! I went to bed at around 1am and woke-up at 6:30am. Anna and I were getting coffee when the door opened. Betty showed up. Anna had told her that we were having a garage sale and she had never called or said she was coming so we did not think she was going to show. I actually wish she hadn't because omg I can begin to explain how annoying and stubborn/stupid she was the entire FUCKING time. We brought shit out (yes, SHIT) she kept saying she didn't want to sell all of this shit because she wanted it. Let me explain something to you....Anna is my sister....and well her mother Betty is a freaking crazy ass lady. She doesn't own a house or anything. She has a ton of SHIT in storage, a bunch of shit in her little car that my Aunt Donna bought Betty and her little room that she is renting from a girl who rescues cats and keeps them in her house. She has not paid in taxes in god knows how long, she works at Wal-Mart as a cashier, she has no money to her name, she owe's me over THREE grand. Yup. And she wants to keep FUGLY nick nack shit? Where are you going to put them? Why!!?! I put some shit out and she grabbed and put it back in the garage yelling at me for trying to sell the shit.
She even gave me shit for selling my stuff...."Why are you selling that?!?!" OMG. Because I am not a freaking pack rat like you are crazy lady! SAVE ME. So we started shortly after getting up and then took a bunch of what was left to a donation place by our house. Then Betty borrowed Anna's mini-van to take some of her shit over to storage because she's too lame to give it up. Moron. I sold shit SO cheap and she kept freaking-out. But at this point I do not care about the money I just want it GONE. We have to move in June and I have enough shit...it's already getting the high 90's! I do not want more SHIT just because I could not get a dollar more for it! Ugh. I do not have the energy, time or really care to have a million more garage sales to try and sell it! Ergh.
Then Anna I went over to J'oann's because they were having a big three day sale. I bought a bunch of paper, ribbon and some buttons for scraping. I found this GORGEOUS asian material and I bought 42$ worth even after a 30% discount! WOAH. It was originally $9.99 a yard. One of the is this brillant red (I already has a asian shirt made from this same material) with dragons and peacocks on it. I LOVED it when I bought the other material for the shirt and I bought all they had and Anna made my shirt that I was going to wear with black pants to Bill's prom but we did not go so I have not worn it yet! Then the other one is a pretty pink/purple with asian flowers. They're spread out nicely so it's not WAY busy like some of the other one's were. I am obsessed with asian shit.
After all of this I went to work and after work I drove up to Prescott again. ;) I got there around 1:30am.
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Friday, March 19, 2004
I got home at around 1am last night and pretty much went straight to bed. I woke-up at around 8am and went back to sleep and Anna woke me up a little after 8:30 when Bill got here. I dressed etc. and went downstairs and we left shortly after. He drove us to the airport and took forever. I left him there so he could go to Seattle to see his friend Brandon for the week-end. I have to pick him up Tue night. Well driving home I was already running late because I had to back in time to get to work at 10:30 and Kieta had to be at work by 10:45 so she was going to take me in because I did not want to be driving my car. I could not get his seat pulled forward so I was stretching my feet to touch the pedals and looking through the gap in the steering wheel to drive. His steering wheel was sticky, there's no rearview mirror, his speedometer doesn't work and I tried to use his lever that's attached to the pedals so you do not have to push the pedals. Well when I used that I know that I was only going about 40-50 mph on the freeway. Fuck that. I was late and I can NOT handle driving like a turtle so I stretched to push the pedals. Yuck. So I drove my lame ass home and went to work ALL Day. I had an hour break where I got chicken nuggets from Mcdonalds, a pretzel and smoothie from Costco. What a great lunch. lol. But I hate Black Angus food mostly and I do not like to give that fucking shit hole company my $$. I ate and went back to work until about a quarter 'til 11pm. Yay. Then my brother-in-law drove my car over to pick me up because him and his friend from work had looked at it. His friend said it did not sound like the starter. But the battery juice levels (whatever those are!) were low so they filled those and cleaned the terminals. It started fine so far.
Thursday, March 18, 2004
I requested tonight off a couple of weeks ago because I was planning on going to Cari's house to scrapbook for the first time in weeks. For the first time in a few weeks I was scheduled a morning shift!?!? WTF!?!? I looked at my schedule last Saturday and I was on for Thursday morning with Thursday night (R) off. WTF. I hate Black Anguish. So I was bitching to Kieta and she said I should call Patrick (the new DAY expo) and see if he wanted it. Well I had not gotten around to calling him and she saw him @ work and said how I wanted Thu morning off. So he calls me like Tue. and asks me "Do you want Thu morning off?" SURE I say. "Well do you want to work for me Friday?" EW. I thought he was just going to pick it up. DAMN IT. "Not really because I work Friday night and that means I would be there ALL DAY. From 10:30 until 11pm. Can anybody else pick it up from you?" He called one of the other temporary expos Stephanie. Nope. She didn't answer and she's told them she no longer wants to expo apparently. Good for her but bad for me. Although she was down to only one morning a week. So it's not that bad. It turns out he had Saturday off and he wanted to go to Cali to see his family. I have been there and done that with trying to get assholes to get my shift so I said I would. He told me he owed me, DAMN right!!
Thursday night. Kieta had originally said she was going to go to Cari's tonight and even bought tequila. Good old Jose. So...she drank too much St. Patrick's day with Ben and Amber which got her sick because it lowered her immune system and she caught the cold I had last week! Haha. Since she felt like shit she decided to bail on me. My car has been not starting when the engine is warm and I did not want take the chance that it would not start again. I borrowed Kieta's car and went. I actually got a few pages finished, well mostly. I just pasted the pages with winnie-the-pooh packet stuff I had but I have to put the pictures on still. I had a couple of strawberry daquiris and Cari of course got way drunk. Lol. Candace, Debbie P, Stephanie, Trevor (gay looking busser), Debbie (Moe's wife), Heather and Melissa were all there.
Thursday night. Kieta had originally said she was going to go to Cari's tonight and even bought tequila. Good old Jose. So...she drank too much St. Patrick's day with Ben and Amber which got her sick because it lowered her immune system and she caught the cold I had last week! Haha. Since she felt like shit she decided to bail on me. My car has been not starting when the engine is warm and I did not want take the chance that it would not start again. I borrowed Kieta's car and went. I actually got a few pages finished, well mostly. I just pasted the pages with winnie-the-pooh packet stuff I had but I have to put the pictures on still. I had a couple of strawberry daquiris and Cari of course got way drunk. Lol. Candace, Debbie P, Stephanie, Trevor (gay looking busser), Debbie (Moe's wife), Heather and Melissa were all there.
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
This morning Eric called me @ around 8:30 Am to let me know he was on his way down here. He was renting a riddle plane and flying down to the Falcon Field (Mesa) airport and he would be getting there at about 10 AM. I took the opportunity to wear my cute little black skirt with a dragon on it that I got recently. I have a slight obsession with dragons. I got there at 9:50 and surprisingly I found the terminal with ease. I tend to get lost when going to a new place. So I was proud of myself. Hew hew. I loved Eric's practically jaw dropped expression when I got out and walked towards him. I pretty much never wear dresses, skirts and shorts. I am naturally really really white, heh...so I put a little self tanner on the night before so I could wear my skirt. I wasn't tan but a little less blindingly white which is ok because I had not put that much on anyways so I knew it wasn't going to show up dark.
We went to the Harkins by my work (Superstion Springs) and saw "Starksky and Hutch" which I was just slightly interested in seeing and it was actually really funny I was laughing my ass off. It was way nasty when Carmen Electra and Amy Smart (Road Trip) made out. But I am sure every guy in the theater was drooling. Lol. I saw this calendar from like '95 or so with Carmen Electra where she had a light shade of brown hair and she was seriously beautiful. But now I think she looks so trashy, between her implants, hair and make-up. She reminds me of an older woman still trying to look as if she's still 20 years old!
My starter is dying and so my car has been not wanting to start but luckily it eventually started everytime today. We went to Baskin Robbins and Eric ordered us a double scoop Tax Crunch. Then I drove us back to the airport where there's a little Italian restaurant that some guys @ Riddle recommended. Anzio's I think was the name. Then I dropped him off @ the terminal and went home. Anna lent me the mini-van so I could get to work @ 5pm.
Black Anguish
All week it has been steady but slow for the servers because the large number of them on each night. Since I make one percent of each servers sales I make way way way WAY more money because of the large number of servers on each night. On a super slow night I make around $50 in tips and I used to make around $30 on a slow night. Because it was St. Patrick's Day I think it was slightly busier than usual but not much because I walked with $75 (plus $4 an hr).
We went to the Harkins by my work (Superstion Springs) and saw "Starksky and Hutch" which I was just slightly interested in seeing and it was actually really funny I was laughing my ass off. It was way nasty when Carmen Electra and Amy Smart (Road Trip) made out. But I am sure every guy in the theater was drooling. Lol. I saw this calendar from like '95 or so with Carmen Electra where she had a light shade of brown hair and she was seriously beautiful. But now I think she looks so trashy, between her implants, hair and make-up. She reminds me of an older woman still trying to look as if she's still 20 years old!
My starter is dying and so my car has been not wanting to start but luckily it eventually started everytime today. We went to Baskin Robbins and Eric ordered us a double scoop Tax Crunch. Then I drove us back to the airport where there's a little Italian restaurant that some guys @ Riddle recommended. Anzio's I think was the name. Then I dropped him off @ the terminal and went home. Anna lent me the mini-van so I could get to work @ 5pm.
Black Anguish
All week it has been steady but slow for the servers because the large number of them on each night. Since I make one percent of each servers sales I make way way way WAY more money because of the large number of servers on each night. On a super slow night I make around $50 in tips and I used to make around $30 on a slow night. Because it was St. Patrick's Day I think it was slightly busier than usual but not much because I walked with $75 (plus $4 an hr).
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
I stayed up until 5 AM mostly doing scrapbooking stuff, lol I am a nerd. So I slept in until noon when my neice Carol busted into my room yelling, "Aunt Michelle your computer is here!" So I went downstairs and brought it all upstairs to unpack. I set it all up with the internet and downloaded AIM. I talked to Mel, Bill, and some old ERAU friends. YAY! I have my own computer! I am in debt up to my ears but I have a computer! How spiffy!?!?! And it's the best one in the house. Lol. Bill was inquiring on the inner makings of my "Demon" (and yes that is her name) and I told him it's a "Pentium 4 2.66 GHz 256 Mhz, 40 GB" and he's like "jesus. that's a good computer." *Snickers softly* I could of upgraded more but I can always do that later. The important this is I have the internet at my fingertips, quickly, music and a dvd player for only a $30 upgrade. Cool beans.
Black Anguish
Work was hell. The cooks fucked up a ton of plates and it was slow with one rush. I do not think the kitchen staff was expecting it to get busy and so they of course could not keep up and I was having 10 minute OVER ticket times. And then there was the potatoes. The fucking potatoes. Besides dressing the food and stocking the line my job is to be the middle man between the kitchen and the servers. So I yell for the freaking bakers. *crickets* BAKERS!!! *frog rippit* Ahem, BAAKKKKERRRSSS!! After a few mintues of doing other things to the plates and still no fucking potatoes and all of the twenty plates in the window need bakers on them. I go into the back and look for a towel to grab the pan out of the baker oven. All of the towels are WET. A wet towel will conduct that heat right through and BURN me. So I continue my search for mits or towels ...I find the driest one and grab the pan. Umm, it's not hot. The potatoes look like an 80 year old's shriveled nutsack. So I push them aside and go open the "big" oven where the not quite done potatoes (and bread is always kept) and there is ONE tray. Ahem...one tray of potatoes in the big oven and shitty COLD unusable bakers in the other oven. WTF is Jose the only kitchen guy DOING BACK HERE?!?! Stop wacking off in the dry storage and keep potatoes in the oven! How complicated is that?!?!? I hate people. Everytime Jose is in the back by himself things go wrong. He is slow on salads, desserts, potatoes and he ALWAYS runs out of bakers. So I grab him off the line where he is helping the 3 cooks already on the line cook food. UGH. He gets the potatoes (because I AINT burning myself!) and guess what? They are hard! I stick three in the only microwave we have. And the others in the drawer to microwave after those three. Meanwhile there is still a ton of the food in the window.
When the servers come into the back and ask for potatoes I am just PISSED off. I get really mad when I get screwed because other people can not do their job right. So I am ranting, "I don't have any fucking potatoes!" Well I am naturally a loud mouthed person and I say it a few times apparently. Well one of Andrew's tables (14) hears me and complains about the kitchen noise (the dishwasher is also very noisey) and their $30 lobster plates...the lobsters were undercooked. So Pam the manager bought their $138 ticket and told me this story leaving out the lobster part(I did not know it was the same table), just about me yelling "I don't have any fucking potatoes!" three times etc etc. Yes, it is hugely my fault but the rest of the evening was ruined and not by me but as she tells me the story she completely makes it out as if it is ALL my fault. Fuck off. If you had been doing your job as a manager and came back to the kitchen when I had called you back here half of my stress would of been cut down. FUCK that black hole of death.
Black Anguish
Work was hell. The cooks fucked up a ton of plates and it was slow with one rush. I do not think the kitchen staff was expecting it to get busy and so they of course could not keep up and I was having 10 minute OVER ticket times. And then there was the potatoes. The fucking potatoes. Besides dressing the food and stocking the line my job is to be the middle man between the kitchen and the servers. So I yell for the freaking bakers. *crickets* BAKERS!!! *frog rippit* Ahem, BAAKKKKERRRSSS!! After a few mintues of doing other things to the plates and still no fucking potatoes and all of the twenty plates in the window need bakers on them. I go into the back and look for a towel to grab the pan out of the baker oven. All of the towels are WET. A wet towel will conduct that heat right through and BURN me. So I continue my search for mits or towels ...I find the driest one and grab the pan. Umm, it's not hot. The potatoes look like an 80 year old's shriveled nutsack. So I push them aside and go open the "big" oven where the not quite done potatoes (and bread is always kept) and there is ONE tray. Ahem...one tray of potatoes in the big oven and shitty COLD unusable bakers in the other oven. WTF is Jose the only kitchen guy DOING BACK HERE?!?! Stop wacking off in the dry storage and keep potatoes in the oven! How complicated is that?!?!? I hate people. Everytime Jose is in the back by himself things go wrong. He is slow on salads, desserts, potatoes and he ALWAYS runs out of bakers. So I grab him off the line where he is helping the 3 cooks already on the line cook food. UGH. He gets the potatoes (because I AINT burning myself!) and guess what? They are hard! I stick three in the only microwave we have. And the others in the drawer to microwave after those three. Meanwhile there is still a ton of the food in the window.
When the servers come into the back and ask for potatoes I am just PISSED off. I get really mad when I get screwed because other people can not do their job right. So I am ranting, "I don't have any fucking potatoes!" Well I am naturally a loud mouthed person and I say it a few times apparently. Well one of Andrew's tables (14) hears me and complains about the kitchen noise (the dishwasher is also very noisey) and their $30 lobster plates...the lobsters were undercooked. So Pam the manager bought their $138 ticket and told me this story leaving out the lobster part(I did not know it was the same table), just about me yelling "I don't have any fucking potatoes!" three times etc etc. Yes, it is hugely my fault but the rest of the evening was ruined and not by me but as she tells me the story she completely makes it out as if it is ALL my fault. Fuck off. If you had been doing your job as a manager and came back to the kitchen when I had called you back here half of my stress would of been cut down. FUCK that black hole of death.
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